Indiana Law Journal
The Indiana Law Journal is a general interest publication and invites submissions of unpublished manuscripts between 15,000 and 35,000 words on all topics.
The Indiana Law Journal ​Volume 101 submission window is now closed.
Submissions are accepted via Scholastica.
The Supplement
The Supplement is the online companion to the print Indiana Law Journal. We are a general interest publication, with a preference for time-sensitive articles or those under 10,000 words. The Supplement is currently accepting submissions.
Submissions are accepted via Scholastica.
Submission Guidelines
Please follow these guidelines when submitting an article:
- Attach your article as a Microsoft Word document, not a PDF.
- All submissions must include a CV for each author listed.
- Attaching a cover letter that explains the significance of your paper is highly recommended.
- All submissions should conform with the latest edition of The Bluebook.
- All submissions are accepted via Scholastica.
Please direct all questions regarding the submission process to our Executive Articles Editor at