Volume 75: Issue 2

Indiana Law Journal
Volume 75: Issue 2
Spring 2000
Symposium: Preparing for the Next Century — A New Restatement of Conflicts?

Gene R. Shreve

A Third Conflicts Restatement?
Friedrich K. JuengerPrologomenon to an Empirical Restatement of Conflicts
William M. Richman and William L. Reynolds

The Need for a Third Conflicts Restatement (And a Proposal for Tort Conflicts)
Symeon C. Symeonides 

A Structural Revision of the Conflicts Restatement
Louise Weinberg

Empiricism and Theory in Conflicts Law
Patrick J. BorchersWhereof One Cannot Speak: Legal Diversity and the Limits of a Restatement of Conflict of Laws
Perry Dane

Adrift on the Sea of Indeterminancy
Michael H. Gottesman

For a Third Conflicts Restatement—But Stop Trying to Reinvent the Wheel
Alfred Hill

The Utilitarian Role of a Restatement of Conflicts in a Common Law System: How Much Judicial Deference Is Due to the Restaters or “Who are these guys, anyway?”
Harold G. Maier

Restating Conflicts Again: A Cure For Schizophrenia?
Courtland H. Peterson

The Restatement (Second): Some Not So Fine Tuning for a Restatement (Third): A Very Well-Curried Leflar over Reese with Korn on the Side (Or Is It Cob?)
Bruce Posnak


Reactions to EPA’s Interim Guidance: The Growing Battle for Control over Environmental Justice Decisionmaking
June M. Lyle

Reaffirming No-Fault Divorce: Supplemental Formal Equality with Substantive Change
Erin R. Melnick

The Primary Caretaker Presumption: Have We Been Presuming Too Much?
Paul L. Smith